The mission of The United Congregation Synagogue is to join with our members in building a community where the practice of Progressive Judaism enriches and uplifts our lives with understanding, warmth, friendship and meaning.
Though our members are drawn to our Synagogue for various reasons – spiritual, social, educational and charitable – we seek to forge a common bond of commitment to Jewish heritage, tradition and people even as we affirm the freedom to express these shared values in creative and individualistic ways.
We envision a congregation:
• that assists members of all ages to more fully understand, embrace, value and practice their Judaism.
• where our members find a sanctuary from the stress of the outside world; a place to recharge our emotional and spiritual selves through community, music, meditation, study and prayer.
• whose programs are characterized by creativity, energy, purpose, involvement, depth, discovery, and enthusiasm.
• where the connection between learning and doing is reflected in the homes and lives of our members.
• whose members recognize that their fellow congregants are created b'tselem Elohim (in the image of God), and that together it is possible to create a sustaining, nurturing and spiritual Jewish community.
• that draws lines of connection between our members, Israel, and the larger Jewish and human communities.
• where the study of Torah and practice of Judaism leads to the performance of g'milut chasadim (deeds of loving-kindness) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).
• whose members recognize and value the mitzvah of life-long Jewish learning.
• that embraces diversity, inviting all individuals and families who wish to create connections to Judaism to join with us in building and celebrating our community.
• where our members cherish their association with this congregation and the Jewish people.
• that understands that this sustaining vision of community can be realized only through a partnership of all our members, and that it is our shared responsibility to serve, support and care for one another.
• whose programs deepen and enhance our members' connection to God and the rich history, culture, language, music and traditions of the Jewish people.